Install Instructions for P3DWX

P3DWX is compatible with Prepar3D v4/v5, i.e. all 64-bit versions.

Step 1


Step 2

P3DWX Client

Latest version: 1.0.1

Last update: 28.08.2020


No installation required. Just download the archive, extract both files into any same directory and open the executable.
And no need to worry: The client will not make any changes to your P3D installation and system.

Note You should run the P3DWX.exe as admin (right mouse click: 'Run as administrator').

Step 3


1.) Browse to your P3D_Root_Folder\Weather and backup the wxmapping.bin! Next, overwrite it with the one provided below. By this means P3D forgets (almost) all its pre-defined weather stations that interfere because P3DWX creates its own stations.

2.) Delete the wxstationlist.bin in your %appdata%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v? folder. This file will be automatically rebuilt when P3D is started the next time.

To check if this steps is done correctly, open the P3D weather map (without P3DWX running) and verify that you do not see any weather stations on the map.

Note Without the modified wxmapping.bin P3DWX cannot depict the weather correctly!

Step 4



P3D provides so-called thermal descriptions that control local turbulences as well as up/downdrafts above certain landclasses. In my opinion, especially the up/downdrafts are too exaggerated and affect jetliners like the NGX too much. For this reason, I recommend to use a weakened version provided below.

The new file has to be placed directly into your %programdata%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v?. Again, backup your original ThermalDescriptions.xml in case you want to revert back.

Step 5 : Settings






The file is found at %appdata%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v?.

The CLOUD_COVERAGE_DENSITY shall be set to 8 that is equal to set the 'Cloud coverage density' slider within the P3D settings to 'Maximum'.

The CLOUD_DRAW_DISTANCE shall be set 5 that is equal to set the 'Cloud draw distance' slider within the P3D settings to '80 mi'. With this value you will see the edge of the cloud depiction (where the clouds end) when you are en-route (FL200 or higher), but as higher values noticeably decrease performance, this value is an satisfying compromise in my opinion.

P3D has the possibility to depict VolumetricFog fog rather than just reducing the visibility uniformly in all directions around your viewpoint. The fog depiction of P3DWX is only implemented for volumetric fog.


Just restore your original wxmapping.bin and delete the wxstationlist.bin as described above.